Jun 29, 2011


Kebelakangan ni ada beberapa website yg menawarkan harga biodisc yg sangat murah berbanding yg dijual oleh QNET seperti dalam alibaba.com, ebay dan sebuah web yg jual secara borong produk sebegini. Kalau dilihat ia memang sebiji mcm biodisc. Web2 ini dijaja sana-sini dlm blog, forum, juga fb oleh anti MLM, nak menunjukkan bahawa QNET ni scam, tipu - jual produk mahal sedangkan boleh dapat murah di tempat lain. Kalau dlm alibaba tu kena beli 50 biji biodisc. Fikirlah sendiri buat apa sebanyak tu. Kalau gelas boleh juga guna masa kenduri.

Untuk makluman, biodisc yg dijual selain QNET adalah tiruan atau replika. Tgkla siapa yg jual, kan dari China tu. Kita semua tahu China merupakan tukang tiru terhebat. Bagi la dia apa sahaja produk, termasuk yg canggih2, mcm jam Omega ke, selamba aje diorg ciplak. Inikan pula sekeping kaca mcm biodisc ni. Diorg ni buat sebab biodisc dah terkenal dan banyak permintaan.

Tiada jaminan kpd sesiapa yg beli biodisc tu dari 2 aspek.

1. Biodisc QNET dimampatkan dengan 13 jenis mineral semulajadi dan telah diuji keberkesanannya menjadikan air bertenaga oleh pelbagai makmal antarabangsa. Baca pensijilan. Selain QNET tiada jaminan, tak mustahil kaca kosong.
2. Belian dari QNET anda berpeluang untuk berkongsi kebaikannya dengan org lain. Dengan itu QNET akan memberi anda imbuhan atas perkongsian anda itu. Selain QNET, anda cuma dpt kaca sahaja, tiada ID no di mana anda boleh log in dlm web QNET dan melihat peluang side income jika anda rajin berusaha.

So, beli yg ori. Dapatkannya terus dr ofis QNET di PJ atau melalui mana-mana wakil (IR) yg sah. Isu ini dalam perhatian co dan akan diambil tindakan undang-undang yg bersesuaian. Baca respon co dlm blog:

Have you ever heard the saying ‘imitation is the highest form of flattery’? We have just received information about replica Bio Discs being available on Ebay as well as on some other websites. Well if you think about it: there are replica Swiss watches, replica designer handbags and sunglasses and now there are replica Bio Discs! Don’t you think it means something?

Jokes aside, we take this issue seriously and feel that we need to address the situation about the fake Bio Discs. While the Amezcua brand name may have been omitted from the sales advertisements, QNet’s exact product description from our brochures and websites are still in use. So, because this ‘water redefining’ product looks like our Amezcua Bio Disc, does it make it real? You and your prospects may be frustrated with the fact that these discs are priced cheaper than QNet’s product. You may think – ‘Did I miss a bargain and pay too much?’

However, we all know the difference between, for example, authentic iPhone and Blackberry phones and similar looking devices sold from unauthorised distributers, right? And that ‘designer’ handbags and watches advertised in all those spam emails or sold in the streets or in unauthourised stores and web sites are not the same as an authentic Chanel or Dior, are they? Replica items mean they are not genuine. Their quality and properties are not guaranteed by the original manufacturer and brand owner. Most probably the manufacturer has never heard of these items before and has no idea where they were made. You don’t expect Prada handbags sold on the pavement of a street in your town to be authentic, right? Neither are these bio discs. The manufacturing process of Amezcua products is very complicated and technologically advanced, requiring special equipment. The process is based on years of continuous research and studies. QNet and Amezcua provide certificates and scientific test results for the Bio Discs. However, in the case when products are purchased from unauthorised distributers and were not shipped by QNet, neither QNet, nor Amezcua guarantee the quality of these items. We have received some copies of the discs which have been purchased from these unauthorised distributors, and none of them have been proven to be authentic bio disc. Do not be fooled by the packaging, even if it seems to be exactly the same as the original bio disc – the properties and qualities are simply not there!

With QNet, you know what you are paying for: proven and certified products combined with stable business opportunity and growth. So why look elsewhere?

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