Jul 13, 2011


Dipetik dari curezone.com

my Uncle in India has cirhosis of the liver, he is rather bad health. He as too many problems too list. However, the Doctor's treatment has been given as usual. Allopathic medicines and so forth. Our distant relative came to know of my Uncles condition and offered to help. He is using a bio disc by energizing water\juice and is giving to my Uncle. My Aunt says that his condition has improved, he is no longer completely yellow (jaundice) his skin color is slowly turning back to a natural brown color. He is urinating much better. I can't say that he is fully recovered as his condition is very bad, but he is making improvements. THe relative who is helping him said he has helped allot of people with all sorts of diseases and conditions, but I wanted to know what you think of this biodisc..I talk with my Aunt frequently and will let you know of my Uncles condition is getting better..THanks..

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