Dec 6, 2010


Testimony from Nagaraj A S and Nalini Nagaraj, UAE

My wife and I are both full-time QuestNet networkers, currently living in Sharjah in the UAE.

In May 2001, when we were living in Qatar, my wife experienced a stroke. Movement in her right hand and right leg was affected, so we returned to India, where she was warded at the well-known Manipal Hospital in Bangalore. A cerebral angiography diagnosed her condition as such: "Complete occlusion of internal carotid artery with suggestion of spontaneous dissection of left internal carotid artery".

Luckily for her, my wife recovered from her stroke very quickly and was not left physically disfigured. She did, however, have a slight limp in her right leg, and for five years after that, experienced the following problems:
1) She was unable to make a fist with her right hand
2) She could not write properly
3) She could not get the little finger of her right hand to meet the ring finger of her right hand - both fingers were permanently 'stuck' in a V position
4) She experienced continuous vibrations in her right palm
5) She suffered extreme pain and cramps in her right leg. In fact, she could not get up from a sitting position without someone helping her

After her stroke in 2001, she was also dependent on medication to ease her discomfort - Clopivas AP-150 tablets, which contain Clopidogrel and aspirin, and Nervijen capsules.

Earlier this year, we experienced a small miracle. On January 3, 2007, my wife started showering with, and consuming, Bio Disc-treated water. She also started sleeping with the Bio Disc under her pillow. Before long, all her pain and discomfort were gone. She can now make a fist and write comfortably with her right hand, the little finger and ring finger on her right hand are back in their normal positions, she no longer experiences vibrations in her right palm, and she can sit down and get up on her own, without any help.

On October 13, 2006, we took a video of my wife giving a presentation in the Sharjah V-team office. As you will see, she has trouble moving her right hand properly, and her writing on the board resembles that of a kindergarten child. When you see my wife's handwriting now, it will be clear how much her condition has improved.

I have all my wife's medical records to prove how far she has progressed; we would be happy to share them with you if you wish.

My wife's life has returned to normal since using Bio Disc three months ago. We both cannot thank QuestNet and Dr Ian enough for giving us this wonderful product. We hope this testimony helps as many stroke sufferers as possible.

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