
Dec 22, 2010
Bila dah kena penyakit kronik, sudah tentu memerlukan kos yang sangat tinggi. Kalau kanser sehingga RM40,000 kos rawatan. Begitu juga kos pembedahan seperti diabetes yang kosnya ribuan ringgit. Baru-baru ni mak seorang kawan kena potong kaki sebab diabetes, pakai kaki palsu. Tahu berapa harga kaki palsu? RM4000. Sedih...kaki dah takde, kena pakai kaki palsu pula.
Berbaloi tak miliki biodisc?
En Azri dari Skudai kena sakit buah pinggang. Belum sampai tahap kena hemodialisislah, tapi kena banyak telan pil. Berpuluh-puluh pil kena telan. Kenyang makan ubat katanya. Ada 1 jenis ubat tu kesannya berak jadi sembelit. Tapi sekarang alhamdulillah. 3 bulan dia guna biodisc. Lepas tu tak makan ubat lagi sampai lani.
Kalau kena hemodialisis. 1 kali buat RM300 katakan. 1 minggu 3 kali kena cuci. So seminggu RM900, sebulan RM3200.
Berbaloi tak miliki biodisc?
Ada seorang lagi kawan juga. Perempuan..muda lagi...dalam 30-an. Dia ni memang ada history family ada diabetes. Tapi masa bulan puasa hari tu dia bantai 100 plus tiap2 malam, nak hilangkan ngantuk buat kuih katanya. Kena bisul kat kaki ... biarkan. Akhirnya merebak. Admit Hospital Batu Pahat. Masa melawat tu, macam nak muntah baunya. Tak lama...kembali kepada Yang Maha Esa. Bukan nak menghina atau menakutkan. Ia realiti. Kalau kita tak berjaga2 banyak penyakit boleh datang disebabkan salah kita sendiri yang tak menjaga makan minum atau mengamalkan cara hidup sihat. Bukti banyak di sekeliling kita sama ada ahli keluarga, saudara mara, jiran tetangga atau rakan taulan.
Sebagai langkah berjaga-jaga elok kita miliki biodisc. Kata orang beringat sebelum kena, mencegah lebih baik daripada mengubat dan sediakan payung sebelum hujan.
Berbaloi miliki biodisc. RM1960 seumur hidup. Boleh digunakan seluruh keluarga dan mudah digunakan. Kita berusaha Allah tentukan.
Setiap penyakit ada ubatnya kecuali maut.
Dec 16, 2010
assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera tuan-tuan & puan-puan yg dihormati;
saya terpanggil utk membawa ke pengetahuan anda serta memberikan
penerangan mengenai kegiatan pelaburan melalui internet yg kini berleluasa
di dalam masyarakat kita, termasuk warga maktab ini sendiri. terdapat
masyarakat kini yg 'tengah galak' utk meraih keuntungan besar segera yg
kononnya sampai 100-200% dlm tempoh 100hari sahaja. saya ingin sekadar
berkongsi sedikit pengetahuan saya dalam bidang jenayah komersil & jenayah
siber dan hasil kajian saya terhadap kes-kes seperti ini.
kini terdapat berjenis-jenis website seperti winfli.com, abfund.com,
euro-america index, ebarrel, swiss cash dan pelbagai lagi. kononnya mereka
adalah syarikat pelaburan produk dan minyak luar negara berprestij,
sedangkan itu semua adalah rekaan semata-mata utk mengabui mata
mangsa-mangsanya. ini semua adalah suatu bentuk scam era internet/
penipuan/fraud/ skim cepat kaya/ sistem piramid semata-mata. kita kena
ambil pengajaran dari apa yg telah berlaku seperti kes the infamous pak
man telo dulu. cuma yg ini adalah "sistem pak man telo moden". (jatuhnya
pak man telo dulu adalah kerana agen-agennya yg songlap duit berjuta-juta.
semasa tu duit dikutip secara manual)
1. tidak ada business pelaburan yang mampu membayar memberikan pulangan
segera yg begitu tinggi dlm tempoh masa yg begitu singkat. (pelaburan
terbaik di bank2 malaysia pun hanya mampu memberikan keuntungan sedemikian
di dalam tempuh 10 TAHUN pelaburan!!!)
2. tidak ada pelaburan yg memberikan keuntungan yg tetap DAN TERJAMIN
KEUNTUNGANNYA. tentu ada turun naiknya mengikut pasaran semasa, itulah
pelaburan namanya.
3. business yg begitu besar kononnya itu, tidak akan memerlukan pelaburan
individu-individu 'ciput' seperti kita, ia tentu mampu berurusan terus dgn
company gergasi yg mampu membuat pelaburan yg besar sekali gus... tetapi
kenapa kononnya memberi/membuka peluang utk kita...KERANA INSAN KERDIL yg
1. sila anda semak semua websites tersebut, patent penipuannya sama
sahaja. masuk minima us100.00 =rm380. ( kenapa tidak rm350), setiap hari
akan dapat us1.80, (dapat bawa masuk ahli(mangsa) baru, ada komisen lagi),
dan apabila cukup 100 hari akan dapat us200-250.00
- adakah anda sanggup nak keluarkan us1.80 setiap hari! buang masa sahaja
kan. nampak di monitor skrin memang bertambah akaun anda, jadi tunggu pula
10 hari...dapat us18.00 sahaja, tak berbaloi juga, jadi tunggulah juga
sampai 100hari. sedarkah anda sepanjang tempoh 55 pertama hari tersebut,
sebenarnya anda hanya mengambil balik duit sendiri yg berjumlah us100.00
tersebut. dan apabila telah cukup tempohnya 100 hari matang, anda ada 2
pilihan samada nak mengambil untung tersebut ATAU MENAMBAH PELABURAN!!!.
disinilah selalu anda akan terperangkap....anda akan berkata TELAH
TERBUKTI anda mendapat untung berganda tersebut...AKU KAYA!!! tapi apalah
sangat dapat untung rm380 itu dalam tempuh lebih 3 bulan kan. anda akan
berkata lagi... RUGI aku tak labur us1,000.00 dulu, kalu tidak sudah tentu
aku dapat untung rm3,800.00 dlm tempoh 100hari... MAKA anda pun tidak
mengambil pelaburan asal rm380 tersebut, malah menambah lagi (biasanya
dari pinjaman lah) dan lagi dan lagi...
2. apa yg anda dapat (sekiranya dapat dan masih bernasib baik) adalah
daripada duit orang-orang (mangsa bawahan) yang baru masuk/ menambah
3. sistem piramid tersebut adalah duplication/meniru cipta antara mereka.
malah sekiranya anda pakar dalam bidang internet tersebut, anda juga boleh
copy saja dan menjadi multi jutawan (yg putar alam) dalam tempuh 3 bulan
1. apabila conmen (kaki tipu) tersebut telah cukup targetnya... mungkin
mereka sedang mengumpul duit-duit mereka yg anda dermakan tersebut
mereka akan terus menutup web tersebut. (kerana mereka tidak *****...)
2. apabila pehak berkuasa kita (JSJK/BANK NEGARA) telah mengumpulkan
bukti2 yg cukup, dan melakukan serbuan kerana ini terang2 adalah kes
illegal deposit taking-suatu kesalahan di bawah sek 25, BAFIA 1989 (yg
mungkin beroperasi hanya dari lokasi sebuah
apartmen di taman perumahan anda saja), maka web tersebut akan ditutup
oleh pehak berkuasa...
jual lah rumah anda DAN BAYARLAH HUTANG ANDA. kerana tiada perjanjian,
tiada dokumen...tiada apa-apa.
bagi sesiapa yg dah termasuk/bercita-cita nak masuk...ingin mendapatkan
penjelasan lanjut, hubungi saya utk penerangan yg lebih jelas... tiada
sebarang bayaran dikenakan.
yg ikhlas...
supt rohaimi b md isa
ketua unit pengajian siasatan jenayah komersil.
Dec 12, 2010
Have you heard of QuestNet? It is a multi-level marketing company that, according to the website, offers everyone a "...life-changing opportunity to build a hassle-free and legitimate business". The way it works is that upon joining the company as an Independant Representative (IR), you are given a personal online store to distribute QuestNet's range of products - from jewellery and watches to collectible coins to holiday and wellness products. You then get a commission for every sale and also from the sales of your downline.
Like most other MLM companies, there have been people who called QuestNet a scam or a fraud. Some were real IRs while there were others who automatically considered the company a fraud just because of QuestNet's business model - thanks to the general negative perception of the MLM industry. Reports in the newspapers about company employees being arrested and of political conspiracies only added fuel to the fire.
Is QuestNet Really A Scam?
If you only listened to one side of the story (i.e. the negative ones), you will definitely have a biased opinion about QuestNet, and very likely miss the golden opportunity to be a successful entrepreneur. So do both QuestNet and yourself a favour - read this Q&A with JR Mayer, MD of QuestNet, before making your conclusions...
1. Why do people always consider MLM companies as scammers?
"First and foremost, MLM is not illegal and MLM companies are not automatically scammers. The industry has just been tainted by some black sheeps and the misconception that MLM equals pyramid selling. A pyramid scheme is definitely illegal because it involves the exchange of money without any product or service being delivered. On the other hand, MLM is an efficient distribution model based on relationship selling and is used by even big insurance companies like Prudential and AIG. So instead of QuestNet setting up an office in every city around the world and running costly advertising campaigns, we engage IRs to distribute our high quality products and pay them commissions - everybody wins!"
2. Why have some people called QuestNet a fraud?
"Some IRs join QuestNet, thinking that they can make a lot of money automatically without doing anything. Unfortunately, our company does not run a get-rich-quick scheme and the IRs are expected to put in a fair bit of effort, at least at the initial stage, if they want to be successful - there is no free lunch in this world! Our sales proposition was never about making an obscene amount of money doing nothing, but to help budding entrepreneurs achieve financial independence with a low capital outlay. So if you're looking to get rich without lifting a finger, please look elsewhere because QuestNet is for honest, hard-working entrepreneurs."
"We're also aware that some IRs tend to mislead their prospects because they are eager to sign-up new downlines. QuestNet does not condone such practice and we have infact published an Ethical Marketing Guideline and strict Code Of Ethics for all our IRs to abide by. We view the matter seriously and take immediate action against errant IRs who flout these basic rules. Unfortunately, it's not always easy because we have more than 2 million members in over 160 countries."
3. What about those bad press about QuestNet?
"We don't deny the reports in the newspapers. We get considerable attention from them and the articles are sometimes sensationalized because we are a significant player in the industry. The now famous case of our founder being arrested was a result of disgruntled ex-partners wielding their political clout because they wanted a share of the company's success. The bottom line is Mr. Vijay Eswaran was trialed and acquitted in the court of law because there was no case against him - something the newspapers didn't report because it probably doesn't sell as much as negative news."
4. So is QuestNet a scam?
Definely not. And if you're still not convinced, consider these facts:
- QuestNet has been around since 1998.
- Our network consist of over 2.5 million IRs worldwide.
- The company is part of a global MNC, which has interests in telecoms, radio stations, etc.
- We have the licenses from governments/authorities and a presence in 160 countries worldwide.
What is the Global Business Leaders Forum?
GBLF is a forum for high level networking between Commonwealth and international leaders from government and business. This year’s forum was organised by the Commonwealth Business Council in association with the Asian Strategy & Leadership Institute (ASLI) and supported by the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) and the Government of Malaysia. The specific aim of the forum was to track leading edge thinking on new business models and trends in global markets, and provide a high level platform for business-to-business networking. With strong delegations from Commonwealth countries, each bringing a regional as well as national dimension to the forum, the event served as an effective platform to address both trends in the global economy and in specific economic sectors. Organised in plenary sessions, it focused broadly on the following topics:-- Driving Trade and Investment Flows between Commonwealth and Asia
- PPP for Infrastructure
- Entrepreneurship, Skills and Leadership
- Creating a Sustainable Energy Mix
- Islamic Products & Finance
- Transformation and Innovation for Global Growth
- New Technology: Innovations from Emerging Markets
QI Group Executive Chairman Mr. Vijay Eswaran was among the many prominent business leaders who addressed the two-day forum. Other prominent speakers included The Honourable Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz, Former Minister of International Trade & Industry, Malaysia; Mr Vijay Poonoosamy, Vice President International & Public Affairs, Etihad Airways, UAE; Mr Nicholas Tan Gung Wu, Vice President Energy Service Fossil, Siemens Malaysia Sdn Bhd;Tan Tan Sri Dr. Mohd Munir Abdul Majid, Chairman of Malaysia Airlines; Datuk Dr Rebecca Fatima Sta Maria, Deputy Secretary-General, Ministry of International Trade & Industry, Malaysia; and Mr. James Mulwana, Chairman of Standard Bank, Uganda and Senior Board Member of the CBC.
Dec 6, 2010
KUCHING: International e-commerce pioneer QNet (M) Sdn Bhd (QNet Malaysia) has evolved significantly with the advent of the digital age, resulting in its business becoming borderless.

PROMOSING STRATEGY: Navaratnam says QNet Malaysia was set up to meet the growing demands of QNet's strong Malaysian market.
According to its general manager V Navaratnam, QNet Malaysia was recognised as a strong contender in the global Direct Selling (DS) industry. Its ability to withstand challenges was attributed to its capability to adapt to changes that revolved around its business operations and its fluidity in turning challenges into opportunities.
The company utilised the power of network marketing combined with e-commerce. “We provide information technology knowledge and business tools for Independent Representative (IRs) to run their businesses, whether it be on a full-time or part-time basis,” he said.
Having a global reach and a strong local presence, QNet Malaysia was the affiliate company of international direct selling company, QNet Ltd (Qnet) established in 1998. “QNet Malaysia was established to meet the growing demands of QNet’s strong Malaysian market. This move has allowed localised services and support tailored to the specific needs of the network,” said Navaratnam.
He further pointed out that with the localised operations, QNet Malaysia worked closely with the relevant Malaysian ministries, local product suppliers and distribution channels to better serve its IRs. “We also work with QNet’s international operations, headquartered in Hong Kong, to maximise the strategic development of both companies.”
Over the years, QNet has built its range of innovative and exclusive lifestyle products to meet the demands of a global market. Through strategic partnerships and industry investments by QNet’s parent company, QI Group, both QNet and QNet Malaysia were able to offer unprecedented quality within the range of exclusive brands and products that were offered to the network.
QI Services (M) Sdn Bhd corporate communication manager Dominic Tan revealed, “More than 2,000 products are shipped every day to customers in more than 160 countries around the world. At an international level, QNet offers products ranging from wellness, energy and nutrition products, to holiday packages, telecommunications as well as luxury and collectible items.”
“Today, QNet offers approximately 80 exclusive products to millions of IRs and retail customers around the world. This is coupled with the millions of people who have also changed their lives through QNet’s business opportunities,” added Tan.
According to the World Federation of Direct Selling Association (WFDSA) statistics report, direct selling businesses recorded worldwide sales of US$114 billion (RM358.64 billion) in 2008. That came with worldwide sales force of 65 million people.
Tan explained that direct selling was a growing and exciting industry that provided a way to sell products and services directly to customers, away from a traditional retail location. The industry allowed businesses to connect with customers one-on-one, be it in groups, online, by phone or through catalogue sales.
“Particularly during tough economic times, direct selling is an extremely viable and successful avenue to provide supplementary or complete income streams. The direct selling industry is one that thrives during global recessions and also presents an attractive career path during the more economically stable times as well,” said Tan.
QNet Malaysia operations manager Venie Kandiah commented, “In emerging markets, direct sales companies benefit from both strong market growth and an attractive earning opportunity. In more mature markets, direct selling creates the togetherness that many are seeking and brings additional income and personal growth.
“What really sets direct sales companies apart from the more traditional retail industry is the ability for a person to start his or her own business without major investments in inventory, office space or shop fronts. Further, the marketing, packaging and advertising of the products are already taken care of by the company,” she added.
Apart from Malaysia, QNet also had logistics hubs with computerised warehouses and advance warehouse management systems in Hong Kong and United Arab Emirates (UAE). Navaratnam said the systems were fully integrated with the virtual office of IRs.
“Those IRs are able to track their shipments in real time, 24 hours a day, anywhere around the world. The logistics cover information from pick-up, uplift, departure origin, arrival destination and customs clearance, right up to the products’ arrival.”
Internationally, Navaratnam revealed QNet’s top three key markets were Indonesia, Middle East and Central Asia. “The European market is picking up with future expansion plan for North and South America.”
“We will soon set up a few more affiliated localised companies in Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines, UAE, Thailand, Brazil, Japan, USA and few other key regions. Among all the countries, Malaysia is in the top 10 list, being one of the most active markets for QNet,” he pointed out.
On Thursday, QNet Malaysia opened its first new office in Sarawak, which would serve as a logistics hub for shipment of its products in East Malaysia. It would take on a dual role as the logistics hub for both Sabah and Sarawak.
QNet Sarawak was targeting to enlarge its presence here in the state by setting up few more support system hubs around the surrounding towns before moving up to the northern region of East Malaysia.
Pyramid Schemes
In the classic "pyramid" scheme, participants attempt to make money solely by recruiting new participants into the program. The hallmark of these schemes is the promise of sky-high returns in a short period of time for doing nothing other than handing over your money and getting others to do the same.
The fraudsters behind a pyramid scheme may go to great lengths to make the program look like a legitimate multi-level marketing program. But despite their claims to have legitimate products or services to sell, these fraudsters simply use money coming in from new recruits to pay off early stage investors. But eventually the pyramid will collapse. At some point the schemes get too big, the promoter cannot raise enough money from new investors to pay earlier investors, and many people lose their money. The chart below shows how pyramid schemes can become impossible to sustain:
Dec 1, 2010
MLM means they pay you on a multi level , the market is based on Multi level unfortunitly most of home business today are based on this illegal scam market which known as a Pyramid
but what the hell is pyramid ? how do I know the company is legal or illegal ? pyramid or not?
here is the answer :Pyramid is when you get paid buy only joining people without selling any product to the person who joined, for example:
say person A pay $20 USD to join XYZ company , the only thing he will get is an ID number then he will tell person B to join, at this time the company will pay a commision to person A from that $20 been paid by person B and so on , there is no product just a money moving arround
Network Marketing is a group of people who currenlty enjoying a benefit of products offered by a network marketing company , they like the product alot that they like to recommend every one to use it.
from that idea the company will reward people who recommending their products to other people , its like recommending your friend to watch a movie that you saw last week but you dont get paid when your friend buy the ticket.
there is nothing wrong here of getting paid by marketing your company product .
since its the product that you use frequently so why not tell other to use it and if the product has helped you to improve your life why not help other to get the same result you have by using the same product . and since you are helping the company to get more customers why not the company help you by paying you commision on every product sold by your recommendation ,
its really ironic that people think network marketing is evil when they actually try to help and make other people life better buy offering them a great products and a great oppotunity
if you are in network marketing my advice to you is first to find some one who have the same problem as yours before you start using the product , if its work on you it will work on other person as well . tell that person how the product did help you then if that person want to buy then you can tell him how he can get the product for nothing by recommending other people about it
you can tell that network marketing is not a business of joining people, the company only pay you when someone buy the product and he has been recommended by you.
network marketing is about sharing the product that you use frequently with your family , friends , and other people , you want to tell them that the product has made your life better and it might ot might not work the same way to your firend but at least you tried to recommended them some thing good that will make their life better. Network marketing is not a scam , its like any other business in life, first you give then you shall recieve .
Nov 23, 2010
Being dehydrated can affect you in many ways. Side effects of dehydration include headaches, poor concentration and fatigue. Staying well hydrated can bring many positive effects such as increased energy and stamina, improved digestion and decreased water weight (and resulting bloating). Staying hydrated may also help keep you from overeating -- we often tend to reach for food when we're actually thirsty (we think we are hungry).
Waiting until you feel thirsty to drink something isn't the best way to prevent dehydration. In fact, you could be dehydrated right now and not even realize it. The best way to begin the habit of staying better hydrated is to do just that -- create habits. For instance, I began feeling much better throughout my mornings when I started drinking a full glass of water upon waking.
Here are some ways to work more water into you day:
- Drink a glass before every meal.
- Alternate other beverages with one glass of water.
- Ask for a glass of water alongside soda, coffee or tea at restaurants.
- Keep a bottle of water at your desk.
- Drink water in the afternoon when your energy level dips (and before you hit the vending machine!).
- Drink a full glass of water both before and after exercising.
- If you start feeling a little off (slightly nauseated) or a headache coming on (a sign of dehydration), drink a glass of water.
- Switch to 12-oz. water glasses at home instead of 8-oz. ones.
- Keep a bottle of water in your car when the weather is mild.
Water also plays a crucial role in disease prevention. In a study conducted at the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Sheffield, England, researchers concluded that women who stay adequately hydrated reduce their risk of breast cancer by 79 percent. Another study, done at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, found that women who drink more than five glasses of water a day have a 45 percent reduced risk of colon cancer compared with women who drink two or fewer glasses of water a day.
Many doctors believe that proper hydration can help prevent chronic joint diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, because water reduces inflammation and promotes cartilage health.
Adequate water consumption can also slow the signs of aging and improve conditions such as constipation, diabetes, hypoglycemia, obesity, arthritis, kidney stones, dry skin, wrinkles, cataracts, and glaucoma.
Nov 22, 2010
1. Serangan jantung
2. Kanser
3. Diebetes
4. Darah tinggi
Nov 16, 2010
QNet menggunakan network marketing. Apa kata bilionair tentang network marketing:
Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki are concerned that the rich are getting richer but the poor are getting poorer. Donald and Robert want you to be rich and that is why they co-author the book: Why We Want You To Be Rich.
Donald Trump said: "Network marketing has proven itself to be a viable and rewarding source of income, and the challenges could be just right for you. There have been some remarkable examples of success, and those successes have been earned through diligence, enthusiasm and the right product combined with timing. As with so many issues, there are tangibles and intangibles involved, but success is not a total mystery, and that applies to network marketing, as well."
Robert Kiyosaki said: "Building a B-quadrant business is not an easy task. So you need to ask yourself, "Do I have what it takes? Am I willing to go beyond my comfort zones? Am I willing to be led and willing to learn to lead? Is there a very rich person inside me, ready to come out?" If the answer is yes, start looking for a network marketing business that has a great training program - one that emphasizes education and personal growth."
I have read many books of Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump and have benefitted from Robert Kiyosaki's business seminars, I was fortunate to attend a few seminars conducted by him and he has helped me made lots of money!
I also learned a lot from Donald Trump by watching his popular program: The Apprentice.
It is very obvious that Robert and Donald agree and recognize the power of network marketing to transform people's lives and make a positive difference to millions of people worldwide!
Robert Kiyosaki also wrote a network marketing best-selling book: The Business School for People Who Like Helping People. In his book he said: "Many network marketing companies are really business schools that teach values not found in traditional business schools...values such as the best way to become rich is to teach yourself and other people to become business owners, rather than teach them to be a loyal employee working for the rich."
For anyone who is interested in network marketing, I highly recommend you read "Why We Want You To Be Rich" and, of course, Robert Kiyosaki's network marketing best-seller: "The Business School for People Who Like Helping People."
Network marketing has created millions of millionaires and it is truly a proven and tested system for ordinary people to earn an extraordinary income! Having said that, over 97% of people in the home-based businesses or network marketing are happy to earn $300 to $1,000 or more a month and less than 3% are really serious about earning income from $3,000 to $10,000 or more a month! That is the reality of the business and I speak from over 14 years of network marketing experience.
Nov 15, 2010
Kepada yang belum mengenali produk dan pelan pemasaran biodisc, semua dijemput hadir ke centre setiap Jumaat malam Sabtu. Masuk percuma dan anda takkan rugi apa-apa. Tiada paksaan untuk beli atau join. Dengar dulu, kemudian baru boleh buat keputusan.
Jika kita tiada sakit kronik, kita boleh beli sebagai langkah pencegahan. Pembunuh no 2 sekarang ni ialah kanser. Mengikut statistik 40,000 kes kanser baru dilaporkan setiap tahun di negara ini. Setiap 4 orang di kalangan kita, 1 orang berisiko menghidapi kanser. So InsyaAllah kalau kita guna biodisc, ia merupakan langkah pencegahan. Kata orang "beringat sebelum kena".
Minggu lepas saya dan isteri melawat seorang budak perempuan berusia 3 tahun yang kena kanser darah di Hospital Batu Pahat. Alhamdulillah, nenek saudara dia belikan biodisc dan sekarang sedang menggunakan rawatan biodisc selain cara hospital. Sekarang budak tu di Hospital JB. Kita doakan semoga dia sembuh.
Menurut atuk budak tu, tiada seorang pun dalam kalangan keluarga mereka yang kena penyakit itu. Benarlah statistik yang dipaparkan di akhbar. Penyakit sekarang tak kenal siapa. Yang penting kita kena berusaha. Dah ada produk yang bagus ni kenapa kita nak menolak atau menafikan mereka yang telah sembuh dengan menggunakan biodisc.
Fikir-fikirlah dengan hati terbuka...
Oct 17, 2010
Pada malam itu En Zul jadi mc. Speakernya En Helmi dari KL. Ada dua orang datang untuk menceritakan kisah bagaimana mereka pulih daripada penyakit yang mereka deritai. Pertama ialah seorang guru yang menghidap kanser rahim. Dua kali dah operate tapi masih ada lagi sisanya kerana tak boleh buang semua. Akhirnya setelah menggunakan biodisc, alhamdulillah dengan izin Allah, bila cek doktor, akarnya pun tiada lagi. Bebas sepenuhnya. MasyaAllah. Satu keajaiban.
Kedua En Azri, muka sembam dan hari-hari kena makan ubat. Tak boleh tinggal. kalau ambil ubat tu, dia kata terus 2 beg plastik, buat stok. Akhirnya sembuh sepenuhnya, tak perlu makan ubat lagi, tak perlu rawatan haemodialisis yang kosnya sekali RM200, seminggu 3 kali, so jumlahnya RM600, sebulan RM2400.
Aug 5, 2010
(a) Meningkatkan kemampuan organ tubuh menyerap air
(b) Membantu proses detoksifikasi radikal bebas, meningkatkan detoksifikasi hati, meremajakan kembali sel-sel tubuh yang telah rosak, dan meningkatkan penyerapan nutrien ke dalam tubuh.
(c) Pada perubatan tradisional cina telah dibuktikan bahawa BioDisc ini juga adalah alat kesihatan (wellness) kerana menyeimbangkan chakra, membuka meridian dan mnyeimbangkan Yin dan Yang.
(d) Terapi dari air BioDisc membangkitkan kekuatan alami dari dalam tubuh kita sendiri untuk menyembuhkan penyakit seperti tekanan darah tinggi, kolesterol, asam urat, dan pesakit stroke yang sudah diterapi dengan air BIODISC akan bertambah sihat berbanding biasa, sihat bahkan dapat sembuh.
(e) Dengan meminum Air BioDisc setiap hari, maka tubuh kita akan lebih segar, air BioDisc juga akan membuang semua racun-racun ditubuh kita (detoksifikasi ) yang membuat organ-organ tubuh kita dapat berfungsi dengan baik kembali dan Kesihatan kita akan lebih baik.
(f) Dengan meletakkan disc di tengah ranjang (di lantai, di antara kepala dan kaki) frekuensi dari biodisc akan mengatasi efek Electro-Smog pada tubuh membuat tubuh kita lebih bugar, stabil dan bebas pengaruh / radiasi Elektro-Smog.
(g) Memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kualiti tidur, jika ditempatkan di bawah tempat tidur dan meningkatkan energi chi yang positif dari tubuh, jika dikenakan atau dibawa dalam kocek
(h) Meningkatkan potensi oksigen, dengan peningkatan oksigen di dalam sel-sel darah akan meningkatkan level energi.
(i) Peningkatan level energi yang dapat dilihat dengan jelas adalah penggunaan BioDisc ketika mandi. Tubuh dapat menyerap air energi melalui kulit. Kesannya bagi tubuh secara keseluruhan, dari kepala sampai kaki. Seseorang merasa positif dan bertenaga seharian setelah mandi dengan air yang mengalir melalui BioDisc.
(j) Menghilangan rasa sakit dengan bantuan sinar matahari yang direfleksikan melalui BioDisc.
(k) Membangkitkan energi alami untuk meremajakan struktur molekul setiap air, menumbuhkan sel-sel jaringan yang sudah mati, dan meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh.
(l) Memperlambat bahkan menghentikan penyebaran dari penyakit kanser dan HIV
(m) Menghilangkan kesan bahaya dari MSG pada makanan
(o) Menghirup wap dari air terapi BIODISC yang dididihkan dapat menyembuhkan penyakit asma.
(p) Mengurangkan kesan penuaan.
(q) Gosokkan rokok di BioDisc untuk mendapatkan rasa yang lebih lembut dan mengurangi rasa terbakar di kerongkong.
(r) Meningkatkan fokus pikiran dan ketenangan terutama untuk anak dengan autisme & ADH.
Testimonial - Personal Health My name is Shashank Mittal from Pune, India. I bought the biodisc recently not even 20 days. I started using this since I got it and I find it very effective for joint pains and tiredness which has drastically improved in few days. I also use in during bathing and I feel more energetic and refreshed. Biodisc is an incredible device, that has benefited me and I'm sure it will work for you. |
![]() | Testimonial - Injection In Dental Practice It has been 4 months that I have been using this amazing life saving (biodisc) product in my dental practice. The anesthetic drug I energised it beforehand and believe me the injections are totally painless. Syncope is a common occurance which happens after anesthesia and the recovery of the patients by holding the biodisc in their hand was something unbelievable. It works friends! |
![]() | Testimonial - Eye Vision/Dengue My family has been using the biodisc from November 2008. In a short span of time we've experience a lot of good things that happened in our family's health. First it has helps eye vision of our 9 year old daughter Marie back to normal (20/20 vision) within two weeks of drinking bio energised water and spraying biowater to her face. Secondly my wife Loreta contracted dengue fever last December 25, 2008. Her platelet count was below normal at 135 compared to a normal count of 150. The doctor advised us that she should be admitted into a hospital but because it’s Christmas we don't want her to be confined in the hospital. The doctor advised if after six hours, the laboratory test indicates the platelet count going down further, then she would have to be admitted. What I did was I poured two litres of water over the biodisc for ten times and let Loreta consumed it before the scheduled extraction of blood. At 1 pm we went back to the hospital for the follow-up laboratory test and we're really amazed of the result because her platelet count went up to 181 within five hours. We were very thankful to GOD for the result and thanks to bio-disc its really amazing. From then on I and my wife Loreta kept on introducing this unbelievable product to our circle of friends and neighbours especially to those who are sick. I would like to recommend also to every one to have a biodisc in your household to explore and experience its AMAZING benefits. |
![]() | Testimonial - Tennis Elbow Recently I went for a swim of 30 laps without proper warm up. This triggered my tennis elbow which I had suffered a long time ago. The sharp pain was so bad that I cannot even lift a jug of water. I subsequently soak a towel in biodisc energised water for about 30 minutes and then wrap it around my elbow overnite. My severe pain of tennis elbow just went away after 2 nights of towel wrapping without taking any medication. A wonderful alternative to medications! |
![]() | Testimonial - Asthma I use to go to clinic to treat my asthma once a week sometimes more often when it worsens. One visit cost around RM300-400 for consultation, pills and 3 inhalers! Besides asthma, I also suffer from migraine and sinus. I use the biodisc to the maximum by drinking biodisc energised water, shower with energised water, put biodisc energised water bottles around the house and having it beside me when I sleep. Positive results were achieved after a month after I had a bad flu and cough for 2 weeks which I realised was a healing crisis. I keep using the bio disc and bring it along with me everywhere. Thanks to the biodisc, I now save on medication and my sickness is under control. Whenever I have chest pain, I will just use biodisc. It’s an amazing wellness tool no one should be without!! I recommend to all to have at least 1 biodisc at home. It's multi purpose and the benefit is worth more than it's price. |
![]() | Testimonial - Pain reliever/Fuel energiser BioDisc is a wonderful product. I used it to heal my painful tooth by drinking biodisc energised water. I also used it to increase the efficiency of my generating set and car engine by getting my fuel energized with the it. |
![]() | I am a physical therapist working in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and got to know of the BioDisc. I started to use the BioDisc before and after my sessions with my patients. I have seen great changes and improvements to them! A great device! Testimonial (1) - Child Reading Disability. My own son who has reading disabilities is now using the Chi Pendant. He is 10 years old and unable to recognise the alphabets. I let him wear the Chi Pendant day and night and now especially while I am teaching him, I see great improvement in him. I've also tried it on a 18 year old student who is now able to obtain 80% marks. His mother just could not believe it!. As a mother and also in the medical field of rehabilitation (therapist) for 17 years, I cannot express my happiness when I achieved new results I obtained from using the Chi Pendant. It's worth millions to me. Testimonial (2) - Paralysis. My patient is a 3 year old boy who is paralyse and speechless since birth. After giving him BioDisc energised water to consume for about 14 days, I started giving him physical therapy sessions twice a week. What the boy has achieved by drinking the BioDisc energised water is stunning: |
![]() | Thank you very much from me and my family to the creator of the BioDisc. I suffer from asthma, high blood pressure and a slight heart problem and have been drinking BioDisc energised water for a year. I now enjoy a happy life without any trouble. BioDisc has alleviated my sufferings and I now offer *FREE* BioDisc energised water from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. to poor and needy people to assist them in their health. TEL: +911632 246865(R) 09357183162/ 09316433353. Email: pnchopra@yahoo.com |
![]() | Testimonial - Diabetic I have been a diabetic for the past 6 years. My blood sugar level was between 19.5 to 28.6 and I have tried many ways to improve my diabetic condition without success. I had to inject myself with insulin 3 times a week and that made my bone structure was so weak I had to walk with a walking stick at times. After drinking BioDisk energised water for about 2 months, my sugar level went down to about normal which is around 5 to 6. This had never happen before and my doctor was totally amazed and made me come for check-up every 2 days for a whole month. Yet my doctor was unable to explain why till the end. After that, they declared me a free person. That means I do not have to take diabetic medication and inject myself anymore!!! |
![]() | Testimonial - Mental Development. My daughter is 10 years old and is a slow learner. She can recognise alphabets and even pronounce the syllables but not able to say the entire word. Needless to say her mental development was slow as noticed during her childhood, she only started to speak at age three. My whole family drinks BioDisc energised water including her. After about a month of drinking BioDisc energised water, she asked to buy her a comic. She usually just ask for colouring book or candies. The next day, she almost finished reading the comic by herself. Not only does her Bahasa and English improved, her reading of the Quran (Arabic) has also progress well all simultaneously. |
![]() | Testimonial - Agility My mom in-law is 76 years old. She is not ill but she's very weak. As such, she needs assistance to stand up as it is difficult for her to do so. Hence, she spends most of the days resting in the bed and the family has no alternative but to put her on diapers. I decided placing 4 bottles of BioDisc energised water at the four corners of her room and energised all her drinking water. After 4 days, she regained her agility. She was able to stand up and walk on her own. Although she no longer do househlod chores she is able to bathe and eases on her own and able to perform her daily prayers. |
![]() | Testimonial - Hip Pain I was involved in a traffic accident 2 years ago and injured my hips. All the while nothing could be done to the injury except taking painkillers. The pain got worst and I had to resort to crutches. Early this year I was given a bottle of BioDisc energised water and I multiplied that one bottle to many more bottles just by placing other drinking water next to it. I also placed a bottle at each corner of my bed and the rest I drank it. After 2 months, my hip pain lessen and I was able to walk using a walking stick. With the confidence of the effect of the BioDisc energised water on me, eventually my son bought the BioDisc. After just 4 days of receiving it and sleeping with the BioDics under my hips, to our amazement, I can now walk WITHOUT my walking stick!. I can even kick-start my motorcycle with my injured leg now. |
![]() | Testimonial - Migrain, calmness My friends used to call me a migraine junky as I suffer from migraine attacks about once in 7 - 10 days. Not realising it, after drinking the BioDisc energised water, for the last 5 months, I had only got my migraine attacks twice! It has really given me a lot of freedom as I am not controlled by my migraine anymore!. Further, I now fell much calmer and do not get upset easily. And all this by just drinking BioDisc energised water!. |
![]() | Testimonial - Knee pain, diabetic, HB pressure, memory, etc. Rubbing the BioDisc over my knee anti-clockwise 10 minutes three times daily and drinking at least 6 glasses of BioDisc energised water has helped in the followings : 1. Previously injured knee is as good as the left knee. 2. Diabetic & pressure medication dosage reduced 50% by my doctor. 3. Don't need to use reading glasses anymore. Power used to be 125/125. 4. 70% increase in memory. 5. Back to bathing cold bath after 5 years of hot shower. 6. Although 62, I feel like 42 and go about doing my job like 32!. |
![]() | Testimonial - Radiant Skin (face). Meet our testimony giver who will testify that using BioDisc will give you radiant and youthful look. Richard initially used the BioDisc in the morning by turning it anti clockwise towards his face to keep him awake. His daily 20 minutes' routine had a side effect. The BioDisc turns him younger!. Guess what's his age. Look left for answer. |
![]() | Testimonial - Centipede Bite. Madam Azizah was bitten by a centipede at 4:00 a.m. It was an adult centipede measuring 6" long with bright red body. With no medication or ointment nor 24 hours clinic nearby, her husband poured non-alcoholic perfume onto the BioDisc and then applied it to the bite area. To their amazement, within 10 minutes, the swelling subside and the pain diminished. |
Testimonial - Tooth Implant/Surgery. I had just undergone for an implant on my third upper premolar tooth earlier in the day. It was a 2 hours minor surgery with 4 jabs and eight stitches to close the gumline. My whole face below the eyes was swollen to double its size. I could feel the swelling and numbness. My dentist gave lots of painkillers and antibiotics for me to take to bring down the swelling. When I got home I just sprayed BioDisc energised water all over my face. I also used the BioDisc turning it counter clockwise over my face. Amazingly after 1/2 hour, the swelling subsided and the numbness gone. I didn't feel any pain or discomfort unlike 3 months ago when I had a tooth removed, I had to take painkiller as the extraction was painful. This time, I did not take any painkillers or tablets that night so that I can show my dentist the wonders of BioDisc and the energised water the next day. |
Testimonial - Excruciating & Embarrasing Pain. This is in relation to my subject suffering from bleeding and painful piles. Lying face down, shine a torchlight through the BioDisc in an anti clock-wise direction towards the affected part at the buttock area. Within 7 minutes, the subject felt an urge to ease. After easing, the procedure was continued for another 15 minutes whereby the subject felt pin pricking sensation on the piles which later began to shrank. The subject no longer feel pain when easing nor experience bleeding. The subject bowel movement is now regular. |
![]() | Testimonial - Kidney stone/ Leg fatigue. Francisco suffer pains when he eases himself due to kidney stones. He went for alternative treatment but did not recover fully. After drinking Biodisc energised water, the pain disappeared and he experienced greater vitality. His girlfriend who is a nurse experience leg pains due to her nature of work. After undergoing numerous therapies that did not help, she decided to drink BioDisc energised water. Her pains are now gone and she feels better than ever. |
![]() | Testimonial - Constipation/Vitality. I drink BioDisc energised water and no longer have to eat a banana or pawpaw every meal to avoid constipation. My mother is 81 years old. She has been having difficulty waking up in the morning for prayers. After I gave her one of the two BioDiscs I bought, I heard she was tending her field around the homestead. She last did this a little more than ten years ago. Thanks to the BioDisc. |
Sebaik-baiknya alirkan air ke atas BioDisc dengan kelajuan rendah (perlahan/halus). Memang proses agak lama, tetapi memerlukan kesabaran dalam menghasilkan sesuatu yang baik. Minum sebanyak mungkin air tersebut dalam satu hari. Pakar kesihatan menyatakan kita kena minum air 8 gelas sehari.
Untuk mudah buat air, biodisc saya letakkan dalam tapis santan dan letak atas jug air. Lalukan air paip (kena guna alat penapis air spt Bio Aura dsb, yg murah pun takpe) ke atas biodisc tadi. Maka air akan masuk ke dalam jug. Minum air itu. Jadi anda tak perlu pegang biodisc.
Mandi menggunakan air yang telah dineutralkan / energize oleh BioDisc.
Sediakan satu baldi atau lebih air BioDisc dengan alirkan air paip dalam aliran yang perlahan ke atas BioDisc. Boleh juga kocak/kacau air dalam baldi tersebut dengan menggunakan BioDisc dalam pusingan lawan arah jam selama 2-3 minit. Amalkan untuk setiap mandian harian.
Gunakan Aliran Cahaya LED (cahaya putih)
Suluh biodisc dengan cahaya LED dengan putarkan lawan arah jam. Boleh guna lampu picit atau lampu automatik yang pihak kami ada jual. Ini akan memberi tindakbalas ke atas sel-sel dalam tubuh.
Suluh pada atas kepala, tapak kaki atau tempat sakit sekurang-kurangnya 1 jam.
Asma - suluh pada dada dan belakang.
Buah pinggang - suluh pada pinggang.
Gout, stroke, lumpuh - tapak kaki
Letak Sahaja
Biodisc juga boleh diletak di kepala, jika sakit kepala, pada pipi jika sakit gigi, payu dara untuk kanser.
Letakkan di bawah bantal untuk tidur yang nyenyak.
1. Drink the Water
The very first thing to do with your BioDisc is to treat some tap water to bio-energise it for drinking. Allow the tap water to gently run over the concave surface of the disc and into a container to be stored for drinking. The water passes through the energy field produced by the BioDisc and is instantly bio-energised with life force energy. Chlorine and other chemicals that may be present in the water are now placed in "quantum suspension" and can no longer harm your body. A one or two litre jug with a lid is ideal for water storage. Drink at least two litres of bio-energised water every day.
2. Set up a Healing Life Force Energy Field under your bed
Use the BioDisc to bio-energise some more water and fill four small plastic water bottles with the bio-energised water and place them under each corner of your bed. It doesn't matter if they lie on their side just under the bed or stand beside each corner of the bed. The effect of placing the bottles under each corner sets up a gentle energy field that your body absorbs during sleep. Most people find that their sleep becomes very restful from the very first night the energy field is set up. If you are travelling, just repeat this process in your room or place the BioDisc under the bed for the night rather than carry the bottles of water. Remember to retrieve the disc from under the bed on the next day.
3. Carry a small Spray Bottle of bio-energised water
Small spray bottles are ideal to carry some bio-energised water with you to spray your body for an instant energy boost and to act as a protective shield from the detrimental effects of electro-smog from your work place, computers and your car's electronic systems. In this case make sure that you pour the water over the Bio Disc six (6) times (so that it creates a finer spray mist) before putting it into the spray bottle. Apart from giving you an instant energy boost, the mist has been known to relieve headaches and muscular pain when sprayed on the affected area of the body.
4. BioEnergise Fruit and Vegetables to extend shelf life, neutralise chemicals and deliver premium nutrition
When you bring your fruit and vegetables home from the shops, fill the kitchen sink with BioEnergised water and place your fruit and vegetables int he water for a few minutes. Chemical residues that may have been present on or in the fruit and vegetables are now placed in "quantum suspension" and can no longer be harmful to your body. Allow excess water to drain off the fruit and vegetables before storage. Make a bottle of BioEnergised water to leave permanently in the fridge to BioEnergise and extend the shelf life of all food and drink stored in there.
the bio disc
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Jul 18, 2010
Ni antara komen pengguna.
1. QuestNet Malaysia delivers quality products and services
Unlike pyramid schemes, where you get no legitimate products or services for your initial investment, QuestNet Malaysia spends millions on research and development to create exclusive, innovative and high-quality products that are tailored to meet the lifestyle needs of people across the globe.
2. QuestNet Malaysia network marketers don’t earn commission through recruitment
Network marketers in QuestNet Malaysia don’t necessarily need to recruit new members to earn a commission, because the business is mainly structured to reward people for promoting its products. Commission is made from the sale of products by a networker, and the people within his/her network. Commission made through recruitment is not merely for the recruitment itself, but because there are products sold with every starter kit. In a pyramid scheme, there is no financial return unless you have successfully enrolled others into the company.
3. QuestNet Malaysia ensures a level playing field through its compensation plan
Most direct selling companies limit the number of people who can earn a commission off a sale, to make it a level playing field for everyone. On the other hand, a typical example of a pyramid scheme is where the Uplines make all the money, while the Downlines lag behind hopelessly because they were recruited much later.
4. QuestNet Malaysia gives their network marketers a return guarantee and does not allow product overloading
Legitimate direct selling companies allow distributors proper methods of dealing with inventory and do not encourage product overloading. They do not allow the excessive purchase of the company’s products for the purposes of the business opportunity it provides. This allows focus on proper networking and means distributors do not have to sell excessive products or worry over such inventory.
5. The QuestNet Malaysia opportunity isn’t a ‘get rich scheme’
Right from the start, most network marketing opportunities will promise you results and financial freedom only if you work hard, think smart and put in due effort to succeed. Any company that promises you an easy way to get rich is probably a scam.
6. The QuestNet Malaysia opportunity is supported by business tools
QuestNet Malaysia will help you keep track of your purchases, commission earnings and product delivery status while offering full customer support. Besides that, you will also receive regular product bulletins, marketing collateral and promotional offers to help boost your business and income.
7. The QuestNet Malaysia opportunity is supported by a solid training system
QuestNet Malaysia gives great importance to training its network marketers and boasts a large number of qualified trainers with knowledge and experience to help you better understand the business and products, and who have the ability to mentor and steer you in the direction of success.
8. QuestNet Malaysia has proper Policies and Procedures and ethical marketing codes
You can tell a legitimate network marketing opportunity from a pyramid scheme based on the fact that their business Policies & Procedures are clearly stated in black and white, binding every network marketer to strict regulations and agreements. Any serious breach of company codes, or Policies & Procedures will result in action being taken against those involved. Most direct selling companies believe in achieving strong long-term growth and stability by creating a culture of ethical marketing.
Jul 17, 2010
Selain air bertenaga, satu lagi cara untuk merawat sakit ialah dengan menggunalan lampu LED berwarna putih. Caranya suluh dan pusingkan arah lawan jam di tapak kaki dan di kepala silih berganti, sekurang-kurangnya 1 jam. Lagi lama lagi bagus.
Juga buat di tempat yang sakit, contoh sakit kulit di lengan.
Harga biodisc 1 unit RM1960 (termasuk register ahli (RM70) dan kos kurier (RM40) ke alamat anda. Sekarang ni ada promosi (pek keluarga) bayar RM2360 dapat 2 unit (tambah RM400). Beli 2 unit ni bagus sebab 1 boleh letak kat dapur untuk buat air biodisc. 1 lagi letak kat lampu.
Harga lampu lain dengan biodisc.
Lampu auto tu bukan company yang jual. Ada seorang engineer yang cipta untuk kemudahan orang ramai. Guna lampu picit penat sebab kena putar ikut lawan jam. Salah satu cara untuk dapat manfaat daripada biodisc ialah dengan teknik suluhan yang akan menghasilkan scalar energy.
Hubungi saya untuk beli. Saya akan uruskan. Sebab nanti anda tak faham nak masukkan maklumat tertentu dalam borang online. Semua pembelian secara online termasuk di ofis Qnet. Cuma jika di sana boleh dapat terus biodisc. Jika tidak ambil di ofis, biodisc akan dipos ke alamat rumah/pejabat anda (anda tentukan).
Langkah 1
Bank in/transfer RM 1960/RM 2360 ke akaun Maybank saya
1514 4501 6913 (YUSLI BIN MUSTAFFA)
Langkah 2
SMS dengan taip "BELI BIODISC RM1960 @ RM2360 TARIKH BANK IN/TRANSFER" dan hantar ke 013-7206272 (Cetak/simpan slip bank in/transfer anda)
Langkah 3
Emel atau sms butiran anda:
Nama penuh (ikut KP)
Nombor kad pengenalan
Tarikh lahir
Alamat rumah
Alamat penghantaran
No telefon rumah
No handphone
Alamat emel
Nama ibu anda
Nama pasangan anda
Nama waris (nyatakan hubungan dengan anda)
HP 013-7206272 atau emel: yusli71@yahoo.com atau Facebook.
Beginilah cara-cara untuk menggunakan biodisc dalam kehidupan seharian.
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Water is one of the most essential requirements for the human body to not only perform at its peak, but to function at all. As a prerequisite to a healthy life, we must ensure the hydration level in our body is always being replenished to account for the almost two litres of water we lose throughout each day. Drinking water is vital, however, there is a way to enhance and improve the biocompatibility of water molecules. There is also a way for your drinking water to increase your energy and harmony levels at the same time! And it’s simply by drinking water that has been energised and enhanced by the Amezcua Bio Disc.
The Amezcua Bio Disc has been evaluated by various institutions and is known to reduce water surface tension value. This in turn makes water more hydratious, therefore improving the compatibility of water molecules with the body’s cells. Water treated with the Amezcua Bio Disc also produces beautiful and perfectly shaped water crystals, an indication of water with high energy levels and good quality. Various test results also reveal that the Amezcua Bio Disc can increase the energy and harmony levels in those who use the disc or drink water treated with it.
The Amezcua Bio Disc is made of technically engineered natural minerals, structurally bonded in glass at a molecular level using high-heat fusion methods. Through this combination of minerals and fusion techniques, a positive energy field is created.
Key Benefits
- Feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
- Drink water treated with the Amezcua Bio Disc to increase your harmony and energy levels.
- Facilitate transfer of nutrients and enhance the biocompatibility of water to get more out of your beverages
I’m Using a BMW 328i (A) and i used it the biodisc everyday when i pump up the gas… It seems working very fine cause you know… the milage metre showing me that i got an extra mile…
**when i not using the biodisc my metre shows me 260km = RM50.00
**when i used the biodisc, my metre show me 355km = RM50.00
same amount of money but i get free kilometre extra. Try it!!!!!
I have used the bio disc and as I travel long distances. I have poured water over the biodisc 6 times and then collect the water in a mist spray bottle. Then I spray on the hose. Then I set the speed of the fuel gun to slow and hold the bio disc next to the fuel gun and rotate in anti-clockwise. I have felt better torque and definitely saved my fuel expenses. I drive a Waja.